Benefits and Motivations to Remodel a House in Houston

10:13 Jun 2023
Remodel a House

Most homeowners have many reasons to justify the expense and inconvenience to remodel a house.

The challenge is first recognizing the need and secondly accepting that there are solutions to these problems that be realized through the planning process to remodel a house.

It begins with grasping a clear understanding of your personal desires and motivations.

In other words, what is it that you want to achieve and how much do you want to invest, is one of the first basic questions you want to explore.

After generally defining your home remodeling goals it’s time to take stock of the benefits that you can enjoy from a well-planned process to remodel a house.

For after all, the benefits need to justify the required investment.

When you remodel a house, it is both challenging and rewarding and can be driven by many factors.

They can be financially motivated and/or driven by the desire to improve one’s surroundings and lifestyle.

So, what motivates homeowners to want to tear up their house and experience the emotional highs and lows that come with a major home remodeling project?

We will explore both the motivations and the benefits associated with the need to remodel a house.  

Learn What Motivates and Adds Value to Remodel a House in Houston

Remodel a House

Desires and Motivations

  • Desire for New Amenities – The leading motivation that continues to be the dominate motivation is the desire of homeowners to have the newest amenities. annually surveys homeowners through a questionnaire to determine what the driving forces actually are.

Year after year the top reason is homeowners wanting to enjoy newer and better house products.

Both technological improvements and cost saving products like energy efficient products both motivate and reward the desire to remodel a house.

  • Planning for a Long Time and Finally Have the Financial Means – Equally mirroring Houzz’s top results found that 38% of homeowners were compelled to undertake their lifelong remodeling dream when they financial had the financial resources to do it right way for them.

House remodeling is expensive and complicated requiring the owners to conduct an accurate financial feasibility study that represent a financially responsible approach at planning and executing a house remodel.

Homeowners need patience and discipline to approach home remodeling in this fashion.

  • Purchased a Home with the Intentions of Remodeling – Houzz has also found that 27% of homeowners actually purchase homes with the full intention of some level of major changes to fit their family, lifestyle or just add future value to the house.

Depending on the nature of the remodel or improvement project, this benefit can actually turn into a liability if the pros & cons are not properly weighed.

This group includes small investors, DIY and family’s attempting to stretch their dollar.

  • Adapting to Family or Lifestyle Changes – Represented about 18% of the survey respondents. This includes both growing and empty nester families making adjustments for the future.

If you are a growing family or empty nesters or multi-generational families, your home will need to make the required lifestyle accommodations.

Planning a home addition for expanding families and repurposing space for empty nesters often become a priority to facilitate the needed space.

  • Need to Repair or Replace Home Component Products – 18% of homeowners are compelled to renovate or remodel are they discover a deteriorated home condition.

These can result from obsolete family need or expiration of product service life or product malfunction.

These types of repairs or replacements are associated with products such as roof shingles, siding and home appliances.

This plan to remodel a house is very common and usually pointed out in an inspection report when the owners purchase the house.

  • Preparing to Sell Your Home – Represents close to 12% who are motivated to increase their homes value by preparing the home for optimum market value.

These types of motivations usually result from a homeowner learning that there is some applicable reason for them to remodel or repair their home to get full value for their home.

Homes in need of significant repair will often be sold at a deeper discount then market value.

Another issue that commonly occurs is an owner that will over remodel a house expecting that they can increase the sales price for more than the cost of the remodel. This usually does not materialize.

  • Repairing after Damages – Repairing homes from such things as natural disasters and home accidents represent only 4% of respondents.

These home improvements are typically driven by house insurance claims.

Owners are required to research their situation and tasked to find & select the home remodeling contractors to perform the needed repairs.

If properly planned, incorporating other needed improvements with the damage repairs can be cost effective and have a rewarding result financially.

Remodel House Benefits

Remodel a House Benefits

  • Expanding the Home Space – Can be a very attractive alternative to buying a new house.

The planning of the existing design is a critical factor in efficiently increasing either a rooms space or the houses space.

This approach will typically require the assistance of a professional to assist in building design approach to remodel a house.

Successfully executed projects can be both personally and financially rewarding.

  • Avoiding the Need of Moving – Most owners dread packing and actually moving to a new house. Nothing pleases them more then to avoid a full household move.

This type of benefit depends upon the ability of your current home to be expanded or repurposed.

Provided that you can achieve your desired home remodel needs, this can be a very powerful motivation.

  • Increase Your Property Value – There are two types of home improvements. Those that increase value and those that do not. New AC units, roofs and siding do not increase the value of a home, but are necessary to keep your house out of disrepair.

Upgrade kitchens, doors & windows and upgrade flooring also increase the value.

When you over remodel a house for the neighborhood, you are likely to increase the value of the house at the expense of a far less return on your remodeling investment.

One of the significant factors that owners should also be cautious of is to not over remodel for the neighborhood if property value is the primary goal.

Projecting your return on investment is the proper method to measure this dilemma.

  • Increase Energy Efficiency – New national energy codes have facilitated the requirements of new house construction to comply with stricter home energy construction standards.

Although this does not benefit homeowners purchasing older homes.

Energy cost continue to rise. Including energy star products and practices will help reduce utility cost and add to your long-term comfort and savings.

  • Improving Safety & Functionality of the Home – As homeowners age and make the decision to “age in place”, they become more alert about the physical challenges with their existing homes.

These may be items that require greater accessibility and mobility for the future.

Examples of these items would be walk-in tubs and widening doorways for wheelchair access.

Evaluating interior and exterior steps, grab bars and raised exit thresholds can also be an issue for aging owners.

  • Increase Your Comfort and Livability – One of the ultimate results for any house remodeling project is that it will increase your personal comfort and add to the enjoyment of your homes livability.

It can be as little as a new paint job or new flooring, but improvements can add a fresh outlook to your home.

When you remodel a home, you create a substantial impact on both the house and your spirit. 

This will also translate into immediate rewards of fulfillment in the form of personal achievement.

  • Change of Lifestyle – Other than the changes in families we have already addressed, careers, stature and events in life can cause homeowners to plan major house remodeling changes.

These may be such projects such as expanding their kitchens and living areas for more entertaining or the increase of area footage through a new master suite addition.

Adding a new covered outside kitchen area or creating an entertainment center changes the lifestyle for the entire family.

  • Incorporating Home Maintenance – As homes get older, they require different levels of maintenance.

The more these items are neglected the costlier they become when you finally replace or repair them.

Another great benefit of a home remodel is to incorporate future maintenance items into remodeling projects.

This can also reduce to overall price of the maintenance as well as reduce the future inconveniences associated with separate projects.

With a better understanding of what drives homeowners to evaluate house remodeling ideas and seriously consider a home remodeling project, you now can focus on the all the outstanding benefits that your remodel can result in.


There are many motivations and benefits to justify the need to remodel a home it must make financial sense and truly serve your lifestyle needs.

The benefits of remodeling far out way allowing your home to fall into ruins or remain outdated. Your house is one of the highest valued assets you have. This should be enough benefit to stay motivated to see it through.

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